Коктейль бе-джиндж (be-ging) рецепт

Gin & Ginger Beer Cocktails

Gin and ginger may not sound like a go-to combination, but let us pleasantly surprise you with five of the most cooling and refreshing cocktails we’ve ever tasted.

  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Gin, 1oz of lemon juice, 2 spoons of jelly and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Pour into a mason jar and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a lemon wedge.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz of Gin, 0.5oz of Aperol, a few dashes of Angostura Bitters and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with wedges of orange and lime.
  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Gin and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.

  1. Combine 2oz of Dry Gin and 4oz of Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  2. Pour into a wine glass and add ice.
  3. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a grapefruit wheel.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz each of Gin and Pimms, and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a cucumber ribbon and a mint sprig.

Ginger Beer Mocktails

Just because you’re having an alcohol free night, doesn’t mean you can’t sip in style. Treat yourself to one of these delicious Bundaberg Ginger Beer mocktails.

  1. Combine a squeeze of lemon juice, 1 passionfruit, 0.5oz of peach nectar and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Stir and then top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a peach fan.
  1. Cut a lime into 8 pieces and muddle with mint and 0.5oz of sugar syrup.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a mint spring.
  1. Combine and muddle ginger pieces, pineapple pieces and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with a cherry and pineapple leaf.

Summer’s Soda

  1. Muddle half a nectarine in a cocktail shaker and shake with passionfruit pulp and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with the other nectarine half.

Как пить правильно жинжинью

Рубиново-красный вишневый ликер подают в конце трапезы в качестве дижестива, иногда его пьют из специальных крохотных чашечек перед плотным обедом, чтобы разжечь аппетит. В португальских тавернах жинью наливают в шоколадные рюмки, которыми потом и закусывают порцию напитка.

Иногда в стаканчик попадает и проспиртованная вишенка – впрочем, всегда можно попросить бармена налить ликер «без плодов».  Жинжинью пьют охлажденной до +15-18 °C, но если на дворе жаркий день, напиток лучше подать еще более холодным – +8-10 °C.

Специальная шоколадная чашечка, которой можно закусить ликер

Португальская «вишневка» отлично сочетается с десертами – важно только, чтобы закуска не была слишком сладкой, иначе получится приторно. Жиньей поливают ванильное мороженое, заправляют фруктовые салаты, разбавляют портвейн

Также напиток входит в состав множества коктейлей.

Коктейли с жинжиньей

  1. Missionary. В стопку для шота слоями (по ножу) налить 2.5 части жиньи, часть драмбуи, ½ части самбуки. Пить залпом.
  2. Princess. По 2 части жинжиньи и лимонного сока, 8 частей Seven Up или любого похожего лимонада. Пропорции можно варьировать, меняя крепость.
  3. Empire. Слоистый коктейль. Слои (снизу-вверх): 2 части жиньи, часть фруктового ликера Safari, 2 части рома.
  4. Real tear. 2 части жинжиньи, 4 части Мартини, ½ части лимонного сока. Все смешать в шейкере, подавать со льдом.
  5. Queen St. Isabel. 4 части жиньи и 1 часть драмбуи смешать в шейкере со льдом, подавать в бокале-тумблере.
  6. Red Satin. Смешать жинью с сухим Мартини в пропорции 1:2. Добавить лед, подавать в охлажденном бокале.

Известные марки жинжиньи

M.S.R (Инициалы основателя Manuel de Sousa Ribeiro), производит вишневый ликер с 1930 года.

Ginja de Obidos Oppidum, считается брендом №1, выпускает жинью с 1987 года. Марка знаменита «шоколадной жиньей» — при производстве в напиток добавляют до 15% измельченного в порошок горького шоколада.

Сувенирная бутылка

Крупных брендов не так много, чаще всего жинжинью производят небольшие кафешки-рюмочные или даже просто фермерские хозяйства.

gin and ginger beer or ale

Obviously, this recipe calls for the use of ginger beer. However, you can also use the not-so-distant cousin of ginger beer, which is ginger ale. In comparison to ginger beer, ginger ale is slightly less spicy. Needless to say, that both the ginger beer and ginger ale are non-alcoholic beverages, so you can easily switch between the two.

I’d say that the main difference between ginger beer and ginger ale is that ginger beer is more robust because it undergoes fermentation during the (non-alcoholic) brewing process. Whereas, ginger ale is simply ginger-flavoured carbonated water.

So, for a more robust cocktail, make the gin and ginger beer version.

My favourite type of ginger beer to drink – either on its own or in this gin and ginger beer cocktail – is Old Jamaica Ginger Beer! It never disappoints.

easy gin and ginger beer cocktail

Just as an example, I will tally up the cost of this drink.

  • 30p a lemon. ½ a lemon = 15p
  • sugar = 5p
  • £1 for 1.5 litres of ginger beer. 250ml = 17p
  • 70cl bottle of Gordon’s for £13. 30ml = 56p
  • Total = 93p

So what exactly are we paying for when we order the same gin and ginger beer cocktail in a restaurant? The experience, the dishwasher, music and let’s not forget the all-important bartender. He’d better be Robert Pattinson-cute, and showing off his biceps in a tight shirt if we are to pay the restaurant some 300-1000% in profits. These establishments are notorious for committing daylight robbery in the alcohol drinks department. It’s a wonder the public hasn’t spoken up yet!

If I still haven’t convinced you to prepare your own cocktail, at least order it without ice to get the most bang for your buck. For the converts, get creative with your cocktails and enjoy yourself at home, it’s dangerous to drink and drive anyway.

Ginger Beer Mocktails

Just because you’re having an alcohol free night, doesn’t mean you can’t sip in style. Treat yourself to one of these delicious Bundaberg Ginger Beer mocktails.

  1. Combine a squeeze of lemon juice, 1 passionfruit, 0.5oz of peach nectar and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Stir and then top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a peach fan.
  1. Cut a lime into 8 pieces and muddle with mint and 0.5oz of sugar syrup.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a mint spring.
  1. Combine and muddle ginger pieces, pineapple pieces and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with a cherry and pineapple leaf.

Summer’s Soda

  1. Muddle half a nectarine in a cocktail shaker and shake with passionfruit pulp and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with the other nectarine half.

Memorable Quotes

  • «Ginger Minj is a plus-size diva. She always wants to look neat, petite and ready to eat.»
  • «Jaidynn, I just got a vision! You may be lip-syncing for your life tomorrow, baby.»
  • «I’m a crossdresser for Christ. I’ll have you down on your knees and begging for Jesus in a minute.»
  • «Kandy’s dance moves are fierce but it looks like she’s gonna meet you at the playground after school and beat the shit outta you.»
  • «I don’t even know what first class is!»
  • «Girl, I am from Florida. I have survived many hurricanes – but never one that’s been blowing me right in the mouth!»
  • «I wanted to go for a team that was not only very talented, but also very diverse. I mean, if you look at the other team, they look like Aryan Airlines.»
  • «I need an adult.»
  • «I’m about to flood my basement»
  • «I need a smoke and a nap!»
  • «SWEET?!… Bitch! Have you met me!?»
  • «I like to describe myself as a glamour-toad.»
  • «I am an overweight, asthmatic, chain-smoking, crossdresser from Orlando, Florida.»
  • «Of course Michelle is going to judge you. IT’S.HER.JOB.»
  • «They got me gal!» (All Stars 2 exit quote)
  • «Eggs, eggs, eggs!»
  • «Bitch, what show did I sign up for?»
  • (To Katya) “I love you Justin Bieber.”
  • «My house.»(As Adele in response to RuPaul asking where in England she is from in the Snatch Game)
  • «Morgan McMichaels walks into the — wait that’s not Morgan?»
  • «Thanks for proving in season 5 that orange is the new black.» (To Coco Montrese in the Reading Challenge)
  • «SANDY!!»
  • «And I can’t believe I’m crying on fuckin’ TV.»

gin and fresh ginger cocktail

First of all, you can enhance the flavour of the cocktail by grating fresh ginger into it. The best method, of course, would be to juice raw ginger and pour the juice into the cocktail. Careful though, as raw ginger has a very spicy and peppery flavour as well as taste. You’ll need to watch out for the portion control as too much raw ginger juice might overpower your gin and ginger beer cocktail.

Next, you can also consider leaving out the ginger beer element and make ginger soda yourself. All you’ll need to do is add carbonated water into the juice of raw ginger and you’re all set. My advice is, that if you follow this method, you might need to add a slightly higher amount of sugar. Otherwise, your gin and fresh ginger cocktail will be too sharp and bitter.

Tequila & Ginger Beer Cocktails

This combination takes no prisoners. Tequila and Ginger Beer packs such a punch that it’ll make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

  1. Rim a highball glass with salt and cinnamon.
  2. Combine and shake 2oz of Tequila, 1oz each of cranberry juice, grapefruit juice and agave syrup.
  3. Pour into glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Tequila, a squeeze of lime juice and 1 hot chilli pepper.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with ½ a hot chilli pepper.

  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Tequila and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge and chilli pepper.

Whiskey & Ginger Beer Cocktails

Add some Bundaberg Ginger Beer to the smooth and spicy taste of whiskey and you’ll spice it up even more.

  1. Rim a lowball glass with cinnamon.
  2. Pour 2oz each of Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Whiskey and apple cider into the glass.
  3. Add ice cubes and sprinkle with cinnamon.

  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Irish Whiskey and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with lime and mint.
  1. Pour 1oz of Jack Daniel’s No.7 into a glass.
  2. Add ice and a squeeze of lime.
  3. Top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.

  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Blended Scotch and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.
  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Rye Whiskey, a squeeze of lime juice, 0.5oz of honey syrup and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with lime wedges.
  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Japanese Whisky, 0.5oz of Dry Sake and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.

Gin & Ginger Beer Cocktails

Gin and ginger may not sound like a go-to combination, but let us pleasantly surprise you with five of the most cooling and refreshing cocktails we’ve ever tasted.

  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Gin, 1oz of lemon juice, 2 spoons of jelly and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Pour into a mason jar and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a lemon wedge.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz of Gin, 0.5oz of Aperol, a few dashes of Angostura Bitters and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with wedges of orange and lime.
  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Gin and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.

  1. Combine 2oz of Dry Gin and 4oz of Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  2. Pour into a wine glass and add ice.
  3. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a grapefruit wheel.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz each of Gin and Pimms, and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a cucumber ribbon and a mint sprig.

Ginger Beer Mocktails

Just because you’re having an alcohol free night, doesn’t mean you can’t sip in style. Treat yourself to one of these delicious Bundaberg Ginger Beer mocktails.

  1. Combine a squeeze of lemon juice, 1 passionfruit, 0.5oz of peach nectar and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Stir and then top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a peach fan.
  1. Cut a lime into 8 pieces and muddle with mint and 0.5oz of sugar syrup.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a mint spring.
  1. Combine and muddle ginger pieces, pineapple pieces and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with a cherry and pineapple leaf.

Summer’s Soda

  1. Muddle half a nectarine in a cocktail shaker and shake with passionfruit pulp and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with the other nectarine half.


Несмотря на то, что кислая вишня растет на этих территориях как минимум с античных времен, а то и дольше, ликер не может похвастаться древней историей и средневековым происхождением. «Отцом» жинжиньи стал монах Франсиско Эшпинейр (другие источники утверждают, что изобретатель ликера был обычным виноторговцем, перенявшим рецепт от благочестивых братьев монастыря Святого Антония)). Именно Франциско в XVIII веке придумал замачивать кислую вишню в агуарденте (португальском бренди), добавляя в получившуюся настойку сахар и пряности. Напиток вышел отменным и сразу же завоевал любовь жителей столицы.

Впрочем, по другой версии, хитрые монахи на протяжении многих веков наслаждались вишневой настойкой, не спеша раскрывать свой секрет мирянам, так что, возможно, на самом деле жинья появилась гораздо раньше.

A Ginjinha – самая известная рюмочная с жинжиньей

Первым баром-родоначальником традиции является легендарный A Ginjinha или, иначе, Ginjinha Espinheira в Лиссабоне, которым владеют вот уже пять поколений одной семьи.

Современные португальцы еще помнят, как их дедушки и бабушки использовали жинжинью в качестве чудодейственного лекарства от всех болезней. В медицинских целях вишневую настойку давали даже маленьким детям.

Жинжинья (Ginjinha) – португальский вишневый ликер

Жинжинья или просто жинья – португальский ликер на одноименных ягодах (так в Португалии называют кислые вишни сорта Морелло). Кроме фруктов и спирта в состав напитка входит сахар, а также другие ингредиенты на усмотрение производителя. Ликер жинжинья популярен в столице страны Лиссабоне, городах Алкобаса и Обидуш. В некоторых регионах рецептура зафиксирована и неизменна, а сам ликер является названием, защищенным по происхождению (например, Ginja Serra da Estrela).

Характеристики. Крепость жинжиньи – 18-20%, это красно-рубиновый напиток с коричневым отливом, насыщенным вишневым ароматом и сладким вкусом.

Этимология названия очень проста. «Жинья» — ginja – португальское название вишни Морелло. «Жинжинья» — уменьшительно-ласкательная форма, что-то типа «вишенки-морелки» (точного аналога в русском языке не существует).

Часто в барах жинжинью хранят вместе с ягодами

Drag Name Origin

She needed to raise money when she was going to do her first pageant. She was working at Sleuths Mystery Dinner and the owner offered to sponsor but she has to use the name Ginger Minj as a nod to the company. In Sleuth’s legend, an actor playing Simon, an old Scottish character from the show called Squires Inn, went out to mingle with the crowd before the show. He went up to a red-headed woman and yelled across the room to his co-actor, «Hey Nigel, do you think that one’s got a ginger minge?» The woman happens to be from the UK, knew that ginger minge is a slang for red vagina and punched him in the face and broke his jaw in front of the entire audience. Ginger thinks the name fits her personality very well. It’s a little raunchy and dirty if you know what it is, but still sounds very classy, wholesome, and nice.


2nd & 3rd: Ginger Minj & Pearl

4th: Kennedy Davenport • 5th: Katya (Miss Congeniality) • 6th: Trixie Mattel • 7th: Miss Fame • 8th: Jaidynn Diore Fierce • 9th: Max • 10th: Kandy Ho • 11th: Mrs. Kasha Davis • 12th: Jasmine Masters • 13th: Sasha Belle • 14th: Tempest DuJour

RuPaul • Michelle Visage • Carson Kressley • Ross Mathews

Jason Carter • Miles Davis Moody • Bryce Eilenberg

2nd & 3rd: Detox & Katya • 4th: Roxxxy Andrews

5th: Alyssa Edwards • 6th: Tatianna • 7th: Phi Phi O’Hara • 8th: Ginger Minj • 9th: Adore Delano (Quit) • 10th: Coco Montrese

RuPaul • Michelle Visage • Carson Kressley • Todrick Hall • Ross Mathews

Jason Carter • Miles Davis Moody • Bryce Eilenberg

Whiskey & Ginger Beer Cocktails

Add some Bundaberg Ginger Beer to the smooth and spicy taste of whiskey and you’ll spice it up even more.

  1. Rim a lowball glass with cinnamon.
  2. Pour 2oz each of Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Whiskey and apple cider into the glass.
  3. Add ice cubes and sprinkle with cinnamon.

  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Irish Whiskey and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with lime and mint.
  1. Pour 1oz of Jack Daniel’s No.7 into a glass.
  2. Add ice and a squeeze of lime.
  3. Top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.

  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Blended Scotch and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.
  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Rye Whiskey, a squeeze of lime juice, 0.5oz of honey syrup and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with lime wedges.
  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Japanese Whisky, 0.5oz of Dry Sake and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.

Gin & Ginger Beer Cocktails

Gin and ginger may not sound like a go-to combination, but let us pleasantly surprise you with five of the most cooling and refreshing cocktails we’ve ever tasted.

  1. Combine and shake 2oz of Gin, 1oz of lemon juice, 2 spoons of jelly and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Pour into a mason jar and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a lemon wedge.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz of Gin, 0.5oz of Aperol, a few dashes of Angostura Bitters and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with wedges of orange and lime.
  1. Muddle ginger pieces and then combine and shake 2oz of Gin and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a copper mug and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Add ice and garnish with a lime wedge.

  1. Combine 2oz of Dry Gin and 4oz of Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  2. Pour into a wine glass and add ice.
  3. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a grapefruit wheel.
  1. Combine and shake 1oz each of Gin and Pimms, and a squeeze of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a cucumber ribbon and a mint sprig.

Ginger Beer Mocktails

Just because you’re having an alcohol free night, doesn’t mean you can’t sip in style. Treat yourself to one of these delicious Bundaberg Ginger Beer mocktails.

  1. Combine a squeeze of lemon juice, 1 passionfruit, 0.5oz of peach nectar and a few dashes of bitters.
  2. Stir and then top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a peach fan.
  1. Cut a lime into 8 pieces and muddle with mint and 0.5oz of sugar syrup.
  2. Pour into a tall glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish with a mint spring.
  1. Combine and muddle ginger pieces, pineapple pieces and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with a cherry and pineapple leaf.

Summer’s Soda

  1. Muddle half a nectarine in a cocktail shaker and shake with passionfruit pulp and 0.5oz of lime juice.
  2. Pour into a glass and top with Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
  3. Garnish it with the other nectarine half.


  • Ginger is the second plus-sized queen to make it to the Top 3, the first being Roxxxy Andrews.
  • Despite considering herself to be a part of the «Bitter Old Lady Brigade» during Season 7, Ginger was only 29 at the time of filming.
  • Her drag mother is legendary Orlando drag queen Rusty Fawcett.
  • Ginger Minj and Pearl have the same birthday.
  • Before Drag Race, she performed in cabaret-style shows with her drag sister, The Minx at Hamburger Mary’s in Orlando.
  • After Drag Race, Ginger found success playing Dr. Frank-n-Furter in San Antonio’s Woodlawn Theatre production of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  • Like in her season’s Snatch Game, Ginger performs as Adele on Battle of the Seasons Tour.
  • Ginger’s original entrance line for Season 7 was «C’mon Season 7, let’s get … this over with», but was asked to change it by producers. She would later use this for All Stars 2.
  • Ginger refers to herself as a «Glamour toad».
  • Ginger stars in the Netflix movie Dumplin’.
  • Her drag daughter is Camp Wannakiki Season 2 winner Tora Himan.