Тамра дэй (tamra dae)

What we can learn from Tamra Dae

Tamra is always striving for her goals in and out of the gym. She’s focused on making her own business a success. There’s a lot of spark and ambition that drives her forward, but for Tamra, it’s not a job, for her, it’s “creative and fun!”

She also shows us that if we want to improve any part of our body, then all we need to do is choose a couple of exercises and try to perfect them. For Tamra, she likes to work on her glutes and quads, but for you, it might be your abs or shoulders. Whatever it may be, with the right focus and intelligent training plan, you too can have your very own physique of greatness.

Post Views: 7,170

Idols and Influences

Tamra was first inspired by her mother and father who were previously bodybuilders, this is where she learned everything she needed to know about how, when and what to train. However, it wasn’t all her families influence that got her into fitness.

Tamra says; “I have always been very self-motivated and driven. I have never had anyone in my life push me to do anything. I’ve always wanted the best for myself whether that was my grades in school, athletic achievements, or business goals.”

She also has a huge following on social media and is constantly supporting her huge fan base. She inspires people for all around the world to chase their dreams and achieve the body they desire. She’s become an inspiration for her huge number of followers around the world.


Tamra likes to keep it simple and mainly use whole food sources for protein and her other macros. She rarely drinks a protein shake, mainly only after a very heavy weights session. But she will take a multi vitamin for her immune system in the afternoon.

Up The Protein

Being quite muscular Tamra knows that her body needs to be fed with the right foods, especially protein. She’ll eat mainly lean proteins such as chicken and fish but will occasionally eat red meat. Her diet is quite varied depending on her training goals, but she admits; “I always start my morning off with a coffee!”

A typical diet for Tamra might look something like:

Tamra’s Diet

  • Meal 1: 1 Whole Egg, 3 Egg Whites, 1 slice Toast or ½ cup Oats and 2 tablespoons Raisins
  • Meal 2: 3-5 ounces Chicken, Fish, or Red Meat, ½ cup Beans and 3 ounces Asparagus or Brussel Sprouts and ½ Potato (on days before heavy lifting)
  • Meal 3: 1 scoop Protein
  • Meal 4: 3-5 ounces Lean Meat, 3 ounces Asparagus, Broccoli or Green Beans and 2 ounces Brown Rice or Quinoa
  • Meal 5: 1 Apple and 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter

Idols and Influences

Tamra was first inspired by her mother and father who were previously bodybuilders, this is where she learned everything she needed to know about how, when and what to train. However, it wasn’t all her families influence that got her into fitness.

Tamra says; “I have always been very self-motivated and driven. I have never had anyone in my life push me to do anything. I’ve always wanted the best for myself whether that was my grades in school, athletic achievements, or business goals.”

She also has a huge following on social media and is constantly supporting her huge fan base. She inspires people for all around the world to chase their dreams and achieve the body they desire. She’s become an inspiration for her huge number of followers around the world.

Как вы попали в индустрию моды, и что в ней вам больше всего нравится?


Я изучала дизайн одежды в колледже до того, как это стало моим делом. Всегда интересовалась модой и всем, что связано с творчеством. В фэшн индустрию и дизайнерство по иронии судьбы попала благодаря бывшему коллеге, который спросил, хочу ли я моделировать для интернет-компании. Мой ответ был: «Конечно», я обожаю ходить по магазинам в торговом центре!

В то время я могла только мечтать о вещах, которые создаю сейчас. Никогда бы не подумала, что такое может произойти с невысокой мускулистой девушкой с плохой кожей. (Смеется) Но я очень этого хотела и не собиралась останавливаться. Социальные сети сыграли ​​большую роль в моем успехе и в дальнейшем росте. Конечно, не всегда было легко, и я терпела неудачи. Но мое планирование было очень стратегическим.

Мой следующий шаг заключается в создании собственного бренда, чего-то очень личного, чем я смогу поделиться со всеми моими прекрасными последователями (‘фолловерами’)!


Keeping it Simple

Although her love is now bodybuilding, she still likes to mix it up and will add in some techniques she learned whilst playing soccer, something along the lines of weights and HIIT is Tamra’s favorite mix.

Tamra’s very intelligent when it comes to training, she knows how important it is to listen to her own body rather than keep pushing through and following a strict program, which she knows could lead to further injuries.

Tamra’s Workout

Monday: Hamstrings/Glutes

  • Smith Machine Squats (increasing weight) 4 x 10/8/6/4
  • Goblet Squats 3 x 12
  • Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 12 (each leg)
  • Leg Press (increasing weight) 3 x 25/15/10
  • Seated Leg Curl 3 x 12
  • Cable Kickbacks 4 x 25

Tuesday: Shoulder/Triceps

  • Dumbbell Fly’s 4 x 12
  • Cable External Rotations 3 x 12
  • Overhead Rope Extensions 3 x 12
  • Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 12
  • Bent-Over Cable Extensions 3 x 15
  • Push Ups 1 x Failure

Wednesday: Back/Abs

  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3 x 12
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows 3 x 12
  • Seated Rows 3 x 12
  • TRX Inverted Rows 3 x 12
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 15
  • Russian Twists (using medicine ball) 3 x 25

Thursday: Rest Day


Friday: Legs/Plyos

  • Leg Extensions (increasing weight) 3 x 25/15/10
  • Barbell Front Squats 3 x Failure
  • Skiers 3 x 20 (each leg)
  • Toe Touches to Box 3 x 60
  • Jumping Jacks 100
  • Box Jumps 3 x 12
  • Side Shuffles 3 x 10 (each side)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

There are a few exercises that Tamra will always recommend to anyone looking to get stronger and stay fit. These are;

Tamra’s Top 3

  1. Bulgarian Split Squats: “Really help with the weakest part of my body, my hamstrings! Using dumbbells for this exercise really works my arms and shoulders too.”
  2. Cable Kickbacks: “I love these because you can do so many variations that will target hamstrings, the glutes, and the inner and outer leg which makes it a multi-functional exercise.”
  3. Push Ups: “I like this exercise because you don’t have to do many for them to be effective.”

Расскажите нам о своей диете

Блюдо 1: 4 белых яйца, 1 яйцо, 1/2 чашка овсянки, ягодный микс, льняное масло {amp}amp; спаржа

Блюдо 2: 100 гр. лосося, брокколи {amp}amp; сладкий картофель

Блюдо 4: 100 грамм курицы, овощи, приготовленные на пару{amp}amp; авокадо

Блюдо 5: белые яйца, говяжий фарш, брюссельская капуста{amp}amp; оливковое масло

Блюдо 6: 100 грамм белой рыбы, стейк, спаржа, салатная смесь {amp}amp; морковь

Блюдо 1: Белые яйца, омлет с овощами {amp}amp; овсяная каша

Блюдо 2:Куриная грудка, салат {amp}amp; Коричневый рис или квиноа

Блюдо 3: Грудка индейки с листовой капустой {amp}amp; шпинат

Блюдо 5: 1 ложка сывороточного протеина{amp}amp; яблоко

Блюдо 6: Лосось со спаржей и овощами гриль


Keeping it Simple

Although her love is now bodybuilding, she still likes to mix it up and will add in some techniques she learned whilst playing soccer, something along the lines of weights and HIIT is Tamra’s favorite mix.

Tamra’s very intelligent when it comes to training, she knows how important it is to listen to her own body rather than keep pushing through and following a strict program, which she knows could lead to further injuries.

Tamra’s Workout

Monday: Hamstrings/Glutes

  • Smith Machine Squats (increasing weight) 4 x 10/8/6/4
  • Goblet Squats 3 x 12
  • Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 12 (each leg)
  • Leg Press (increasing weight) 3 x 25/15/10
  • Seated Leg Curl 3 x 12
  • Cable Kickbacks 4 x 25

Tuesday: Shoulder/Triceps

  • Dumbbell Fly’s 4 x 12
  • Cable External Rotations 3 x 12
  • Overhead Rope Extensions 3 x 12
  • Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 12
  • Bent-Over Cable Extensions 3 x 15
  • Push Ups 1 x Failure

Wednesday: Back/Abs

  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 3 x 12
  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows 3 x 12
  • Seated Rows 3 x 12
  • TRX Inverted Rows 3 x 12
  • Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 15
  • Russian Twists (using medicine ball) 3 x 25

Thursday: Rest Day


Friday: Legs/Plyos

  • Leg Extensions (increasing weight) 3 x 25/15/10
  • Barbell Front Squats 3 x Failure
  • Skiers 3 x 20 (each leg)
  • Toe Touches to Box 3 x 60
  • Jumping Jacks 100
  • Box Jumps 3 x 12
  • Side Shuffles 3 x 10 (each side)

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

There are a few exercises that Tamra will always recommend to anyone looking to get stronger and stay fit. These are;

Tamra’s Top 3

  1. Bulgarian Split Squats: “Really help with the weakest part of my body, my hamstrings! Using dumbbells for this exercise really works my arms and shoulders too.”
  2. Cable Kickbacks: “I love these because you can do so many variations that will target hamstrings, the glutes, and the inner and outer leg which makes it a multi-functional exercise.”
  3. Push Ups: “I like this exercise because you don’t have to do many for them to be effective.”

What we can learn from Tamra Dae

Tamra is always striving for her goals in and out of the gym. She’s focused on making her own business a success. There’s a lot of spark and ambition that drives her forward, but for Tamra, it’s not a job, for her, it’s “creative and fun!”

She also shows us that if we want to improve any part of our body, then all we need to do is choose a couple of exercises and try to perfect them. For Tamra, she likes to work on her glutes and quads, but for you, it might be your abs or shoulders. Whatever it may be, with the right focus and intelligent training plan, you too can have your very own physique of greatness.

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From Soccer To The Weights Room

Tamra Dae was a former soccer player previous to her bodybuilding career. There was a time after playing soccer when she went through a period of inactivity.

Tamra said she couldn’t stand being out of shape. When she finally decided to get fit again, she didn’t really know where to go, or even how to ‘workout’ in the gym, as all she knew was her soccer training.

But lucky enough for Tamra, both of her parents were former bodybuilders. Tamra went straight to her mother and father and asked their advice in preparation for her first show.

Tamra says she’s always been a self-motivated, admitting she never needed anyone to push her to do things in life, it was always off her own back. “I’ve always wanted the best for myself whether that was my grades in school, athletic achievements, or business goals.”

Fashion and Design

Studying fashion design in college, Tamra was always interested in being creative. She also hoped one day to become a model. One day both of her dreams finally came true when her former coworker asked Tamra if she wanted to model for an online company. Tamra jumped at the chance and said, “of course.”

Ever since that moment Tamra has been in the limelight and modeled for some of the biggest names in the sporting industry. She’s also ben fortunate enough to start her own fashion lable which represents her own unique style.

She always dreamt of being a fashion and fitness model, but she never thought in her wildest dreams she would be doing fashion shoots and working in bodybuilding as a career. Especially as she didn’t hold herself in highest regards. Tamra thought of herself as a “short muscular girl with bad skin.” It’s clear to see Tamra kept her dreams alive and made them happen.

Social Media and Future Plans

Using social media to grow her popularity, Tamra says it’s played a huge part in her success, but she continues to work hard in becoming even more successful for the future. She also admits it hasn’t been an easy ride, there were many obstacles in her way, but with the right amount of planning and preparation, she’s continued to grow both in physique and in the fashion world.

Tamra’s next big plans are to continue building her own fashion brand that will be totally unique and personal to her style. She want’s to make it a huge success and share it with all of her fans and followers around the world.


From Soccer To The Weights Room

Tamra Dae was a former soccer player previous to her bodybuilding career. There was a time after playing soccer when she went through a period of inactivity.

Tamra said she couldn’t stand being out of shape. When she finally decided to get fit again, she didn’t really know where to go, or even how to ‘workout’ in the gym, as all she knew was her soccer training.

But lucky enough for Tamra, both of her parents were former bodybuilders. Tamra went straight to her mother and father and asked their advice in preparation for her first show.

Tamra says she’s always been a self-motivated, admitting she never needed anyone to push her to do things in life, it was always off her own back. “I’ve always wanted the best for myself whether that was my grades in school, athletic achievements, or business goals.”

Fashion and Design

Studying fashion design in college, Tamra was always interested in being creative. She also hoped one day to become a model. One day both of her dreams finally came true when her former coworker asked Tamra if she wanted to model for an online company. Tamra jumped at the chance and said, “of course.”

Ever since that moment Tamra has been in the limelight and modeled for some of the biggest names in the sporting industry. She’s also ben fortunate enough to start her own fashion lable which represents her own unique style.

She always dreamt of being a fashion and fitness model, but she never thought in her wildest dreams she would be doing fashion shoots and working in bodybuilding as a career. Especially as she didn’t hold herself in highest regards. Tamra thought of herself as a “short muscular girl with bad skin.” It’s clear to see Tamra kept her dreams alive and made them happen.

Social Media and Future Plans

Using social media to grow her popularity, Tamra says it’s played a huge part in her success, but she continues to work hard in becoming even more successful for the future. She also admits it hasn’t been an easy ride, there were many obstacles in her way, but with the right amount of planning and preparation, she’s continued to grow both in physique and in the fashion world.

Tamra’s next big plans are to continue building her own fashion brand that will be totally unique and personal to her style. She want’s to make it a huge success and share it with all of her fans and followers around the world.

Какая ваша любимая диета?

У меня много мышц, и их нужно кормить часто! Поэтому я ем много белка и включаю его в каждый прием пищи. В основном предпочитаю источники с высоким содержанием белка, иногда ем красное мясо. Моя диета значительно варьируется в зависимости от целей, но утро всегда начинается с чашечки кофе!

Ежедневная диета:

  • Питание 1: 1 цельное яйцо, 3 яичных белка, 1 тост или ½ стакана овса и 2 столовые ложки изюма
  • Питание 2: 100-150 г курицы, рыбы или красного мяса, ½ стакана фасоли, 100 г спаржи или брюссельской капусты и ½ картофеля (в дни перед поднятием тяжелого веса)
  • Питание 3: 1 мерный совок протеина
  • Питание 4: 100-150 г постного мяса, 100 г спаржи, брокколи или зеленых бобов и 60 г коричневого риса или киноа
  • Питание 5: 1 яблоко и 1 столовая ложка арахисового масла

Social Media and Future Plans

Using social media to grow her popularity, Tamra says it’s played a huge part in her success, but she continues to work hard in becoming even more successful for the future. She also admits it hasn’t been an easy ride, there were many obstacles in her way, but with the right amount of planning and preparation, she’s continued to grow both in physique and in the fashion world.

Tamra’s next big plans are to continue building her own fashion brand that will be totally unique and personal to her style. She want’s to make it a huge success and share it with all of her fans and followers around the world.

Программа тренировок

Я люблю круговые тренировки (упражнения в комплексе, тройной сет и гигантский сет), когда мое сердце бьется постоянно во время тренировок — это здорово. Я также люблю делать дроп-сеты на любые группы мышц.

Понедельник – Ноги/пресс

  • Приседания в тренажере Смита 5 x 20 (суперсет)
  • Шаги-выпады с гантелями по диагонали 5 x 20
  • Боковые приседания (каждая нога) 3 x 20 (суперсет)
  • 1 минута (Скакалка, бег на месте и т.д.)
  • Разгибание ног 5 x 20 (суперсет)
  • Жим ногами на ширине плеч 5 x 15
  • Тренировка с медболом(прыжки)3 x 20 (суперсет)
  • Подъём ног на скамейке 3 x 15
  • 1 минута Планка

Вторник – Плечи/Трицепсы

  • Жим гантелей сидя 4 x 10 (суперсет)
  • Армейский жим 4 x 10
  • Махи в тренажере 4 x 10 (суперсет)
  • Жим Арнольда 3 x 8
  • Развод рук в стороны 3 x 8 (суперсет)
  • Выпрямление рук с гантелями вдоль тела в наклоне 3 x 10
  • Разгибание рук над головой в тренажере 3 x 15 (суперсет)
  • Отжимания с прижатыми локтями 3 x 10

Среда – Ноги

  • сгибание ног 5 x 15 (суперсет)
  • вышагивание на платформу(степпер) (1 минута)
  • Мёртвая тяга 5 x 12 (суперсет)
  • Выпады (на каждую ногу) 5 x 12
  • Жим ногами 4 x 10 (суперсет)
  • «Подъемы на носки «осликом»   4 x 15

Четверг – Спина/Бицепсы/пресс

  • Подтягивания широким хватом 4 x 8 (суперсет)
  • Тяга вертикального блока 4 x 8
  • Тяга горизонтального блока стоя 4 x 12 (суперсет)
  • Тяга горизонтального блока сидя 4 x 12
  • Гиперэкстензия на медицинском мяче 5 x 15 (суперсет)
  • Наклоны со штангой «Доброе утро» 5 x 15
  • Подъем гантелей на бицепс сидя 4 x 8 (суперсет)
  • Подъем EZ штанги на бицепс 4 x 12
  • Поднятие на бицепс на нижнем блоке 4 x 10 (суперсет)
  • Подъёмы ног в висе 3 x 15
  • Подъем туловища на наклонной скамье 3 x 15 (суперсет)
  • Подъём туловища к коленям из положения лёжа   3 x 15

Пятница – Грудь/Плечи/Ягодицы

  • Жим гантелей 4 x 12 (суперсет)
  • Работа на блока стоя4 x 12
  • Развод рук в стороны 8 x 8 (суперсет)
  • Straight Leg Cable Kickbacks 4 x 15
  • Перекрёстные выпады 4 x 12 (суперсет)
  • Выпады в машине Смита 5 x 15
  • Подъём таза 4 x 12 (суперст)
  • Упражнение для ягодиц в “Butt blaster” 4 x 12

Суббота – Восстановление

Воскресение – Кардио — 45 минут кардиотренировки


Tamra likes to keep it simple and mainly use whole food sources for protein and her other macros. She rarely drinks a protein shake, mainly only after a very heavy weights session. But she will take a multi vitamin for her immune system in the afternoon.

Up The Protein

Being quite muscular Tamra knows that her body needs to be fed with the right foods, especially protein. She’ll eat mainly lean proteins such as chicken and fish but will occasionally eat red meat. Her diet is quite varied depending on her training goals, but she admits; “I always start my morning off with a coffee!”

A typical diet for Tamra might look something like:

Tamra’s Diet

  • Meal 1: 1 Whole Egg, 3 Egg Whites, 1 slice Toast or ½ cup Oats and 2 tablespoons Raisins
  • Meal 2: 3-5 ounces Chicken, Fish, or Red Meat, ½ cup Beans and 3 ounces Asparagus or Brussel Sprouts and ½ Potato (on days before heavy lifting)
  • Meal 3: 1 scoop Protein
  • Meal 4: 3-5 ounces Lean Meat, 3 ounces Asparagus, Broccoli or Green Beans and 2 ounces Brown Rice or Quinoa
  • Meal 5: 1 Apple and 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter